National Capital Wing
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Summer Cadet Encampment

Photos of CAP cadets at the 2023 encampment.

June 23-30, 2024

Camp Upshur, Quantico Marine Corps Base, Va.

The cadet encampment serves as a week-long leadership laboratory. It offers Civil Air Patrol cadets the opportunity to further develop leadership skills, investigate the aerospace sciences and related careers, commit to a habit of regular exercise, and solidify their moral character. This encampment will challenge our cadets. It will push them to grow, lead, and work as a team. 

"Whether you are a first-time encampment attendee or back to serve on staff, you will learn and hone leadership skills that will stay with you throughout your time in CAP and wherever life leads you. You will work hard, be challenged, make new friends, and, most importantly, learn about yourself and what you can achieve. We look forward to you joining us." — Col. Jane Davies, encampment commander

Encampment Location

The encampment will be held at Camp Upshur, Va., which is located on Quantico Marine Corps Base. This will be the first time Civil Air Patrol will use this facility. It is perfectly located to provide cadets with a wide range of opportunities to support the learning objectives of the CAP cadet encampment program. Camp Upshur is just a little more than an hour south of the Washington, D.C., area.

Aerial photo of Camp Upshur.

Encampment Cost

  • $340* for first-time basic cadets (applications accepted from March 15 to June 1)

  • $200 for cadet staff (applications closed on Feb. 19)

Go to the encampment applications page for payment details.

* The cost for first-time basic cadets was changed just prior to the open application window to accommodate the increased cost of food to be provided.

Encampment Correspondence

Please use to ask questions, submit applications, and for any other correspondence about the encampment.

Encampment Staff

Photo of Col. Jane Davies.Col. Jane Davies

Encampment Commander


Col. Jane Davies is the National Capital Wing director of operations. She was the National Capital Wing commander from 2004 to 2009 and has served in various positions and wings throughout her membership in CAP.  Davies joined CAP in 1969 as a cadet in the Connecticut Wing.

If you are interested in senior staff, please send and email. Selections will be published on the Encampment News page. 

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