National Capital Wing
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Mount Vernon Composite Squadron (DC045) in VA

Location: Davison Army Airfield
Britten Dr., Fort Belvoir, VA 22060

Meetings: Thursdays, 7-9 p.m.

Squadron Commander: Maj. Luis Aponte

Prospective Members:

As a composite squadron, the membership focus is on cadet, cadet sponsor, and active senior members. Weekly meetings are mainly aimed at advancing cadets through the CAP Cadet Program. A separate meeting for active senior members is held on the second and fourth Thursday of the month. A wing-wide aircrew meeting is also held at this location on the second Thursday of the month.

Charter Number: MAR-DC-045
Office Symbol: DC045

The standard weekly meeting schedule is as follows. Please check the Activities Calendar for updates. Squadron events have DC045 in the title.

Thursday Activities Planned Uniform of the Day
1st Cadets Only for Physical Fitness & Training PT Gear
2nd Cadets for Leadership Training + Active Senior Member Meeting & Wing Aircrew ABU or Polo
3rd Cadets Only for Aerospace Education Training ABU
4th Cadets for Promotions & Character Development + Active Senior Member Meeting Blues (Class B)


Squadron Photos

Here's an inside look at the squadron:

Cadets preparing for a glider orientation flight.
Cadets preparing for a glider orientation flight.
A cadet in the front seat of a UH-70 helicopter.
A cadet in the front seat of a UH-70 helicopter.
A group photo after a tour of an Air Force tanker aircraft.
A group photo after a tour of an Air Force tanker aircraft.
Cadet or Star Wars Stormtrooper?
Cadet or Star Wars Stormtrooper?
A Coast Guard helicopter intercepts a CAP aircraft during a training exercise.
A Coast Guard helicopter intercepts a CAP aircraft during a training exercise.
A cadet scores 100% on an online exam.
A cadet scores 100% on an online exam.
Cadets learn about ELTs.
Cadets learn about ELTs.
An aircrew flies a proficiency training flight.
An aircrew flies a proficiency training flight.
Members participate in Community Service Day on the National Mall.
Members participate in Community Service Day on the National Mall.
Members train in ground search and rescue.
Members train in ground search and rescue.
Members on the National Mall for Community Service Day.
Members on the National Mall for Community Service Day.
Members tour National Defense University.
Members tour National Defense University.

Squadron Awards

  • Quality Cadet Unit Award (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023)
  • National Squadron of Distinction (2014)
  • MAR Squadron of Distinction (2014)
  • Squadron of Merit (2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2019)
  • 1st Place Tie at National Agility Prime Cadet Competition (2020)
  • 1st Place at Wing Cadet Competition (2021)

Join Us

Fill out this form to let us know you are interested in joining Civil Air Patrol at our squadron.

Squadron Commander's Bio

Maj. Luis Aponte is the commander of Civil Air Patrol’s Mount Vernon Composite Squadron, which is under National Capital Wing. Outside of CAP, he serves as the functional area manager for the Air National Guard’s Combat Communications enterprise consisting of more than 2,000 personnel responsible for building, operating, and defending our nation's tactical cyber domain.

Aponte started his career in the U.S. Air Force in 1993 when he enlisted in the Puerto Rico Air National Guard and became an F-16 avionics technician and subsequently working as a C-130E avionics technician. In 2005 he was assigned to the 156th Maintenance Group as an aircraft quality assurance inspector and weight and balance technician. In 2009 he obtained his commission through the Academy of Military Sciences at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, and served in the 156th Airlift Wing as the 156th Communications Flight commander until 2017 when he was selected to lead the Air National Guard’s Communications Coordination Center. In 2018 he became the Combat Communications Functional Area Manager at the Air National Guard Readiness Center at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland.

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