National Capital Wing
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Aerospace Education Member (Associate)

Aerospace education membership is a special subcategory of membership for members of the educational community that have a desire to promote the objectives and purposes of CAP, but who do not desire to participate in the active membership program. These members are assigned to a special unit at the National-level (NHQ004) and are not assigned to local units.

Use aviation as the theme to propel youth onward and upward!

The Aerospace Education Member (AEM) program is designed for K-12 formal or informal educators involved in promoting aerospace and STEM education in classrooms, homeschools, museums, libraries, or other youth organizations. AEMs do not belong to a local CAP squadron, do not wear uniforms, and do not attend squadron meetings.

AEM Benefits

Free K-12 Books:
You can select several free books in your grade level area to be shipped to you. The large assortment of national academic standards-aligned books can be accessed online in the CAP eServices online portal at AE Downloads and Resources or can be ordered in hard copy by emailing

Free K-12 STEM Kits: 
You can apply for one of a variety of STEM kits at a time.

A sampling of STEM kits available to choose from.

Free K-12 Aerospace Education Excellence (AEX) Award Program: 
This award program culminates with AEX certificates for the educator and the student participants. To earn these award certificates, the educator will need to conduct 6 aerospace/STEM lessons from our many AEX books or other resources and a two-hour even, e.g., such as a rocket or hot air balloon launch, an airplane build and fly-off event, or a trip to a museum, airport, or other aerospace location.

Free K-6 Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) Program:
This is a grade-level specific program that requires educators to register each school year. After registering, class sets of student materials are shipped to ACE teachers. Teachers are asked to complete at least 10 out of the 21+ ACE lessons in the grade-level curriculum guides found in the AE Downloads and Resources section of the CAP eServices online portal.  Lessons include theme components of academics, character education, and physical fitness. Entire schools can conduct the program during the school year and/or in after-school or summer enrichment programs. Museums, libraries, and other youth organizations can do the same. 

► Teacher Orientation Program (TOP) Flights:
One of the most exciting AEM benefits is the opportunity to take a Teacher Orientation Program (TOP) flight in a CAP airplane with an experienced CAP pilot at a local airport. This exhilarating program includes a pre-flight briefing, an actual airplane flight, and educational applications to share with students. 

How to Join

$35 Membership Fee (with optional free annual renewal)

Individuals applying for educator membership must meet the same general requirements as those applying for active membership:

  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Must be a citizen of the United States or an alien admitted for permanent residence.
  • Must never have been convicted of or pled guilty to any felony (federal, state, or military) or be currently charged with a felony.
  • Must have been discharged under honorable conditions if served in the Armed Forces.
  • Must have an interest in supporting CAP’s aerospace education program.

Educators can apply and pay directly online. If a school is paying by check, the AEM Paper Application can also be mailed.

 Join Now Online >>> 

An AEM may transfer to active senior membership status (at no additional cost for the membership year) at any time by submitting a CAPF 12, with "AEM to ACTIVE" annotated across the top, along with an FBI fingerprint card, through a local CAP unit. They must meet the Unit Membership Board and provide the unit commander with proof of identity.

AEM Support

CAP’s National Capital Wing has squadrons all around the local area with active adult members and cadets (ages 12-20) who may be able to assist with some aviation instruction in the classroom. Contact to request an aviation-related speaker, a tour of the local airport and a CAP plane, assistance in a career day, or a TOP flight. For additional help or information about the AEM programs, contact CAP’s national aerospace education team at

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