Encampment Applications
Cadet Student Prerequisites
To attend the encampment as a first-time cadet student, you must submit all of the required forms, be a cadet airman (C/Amn) prior to June 1, 2024, not have previously completed a CAP encampment, agree to attend the entire encampment and uphold CAP’s core values of integrity, volunteer service, excellence, and respect.
Application Instructions
1. Download all of the following forms from the menu on the right (at the bottom of the page if on mobile):
- CAPF 60-80, Civil Air Patrol Activity Permission Slip (This form is prefilled and available for download in the Related Documents section; see the special instructions below.)
- CAPF 60-81, Application for Encampment
- CAPF 160, Member Health History
- CAPF 161, Emergency Information
- CAPF 163, Permission for Provision of Minor Cadet Over-The-Counter Medication
2. All of the forms are in fillable Adobe PDF format. Save each form as a separate file, then complete or print that version. If printing, please ensure that all entries are legible. Carefully read and respond appropriately to each question. The greater the accuracy, the faster the application will be accepted.
3. All signatures must be original (do not simply type signatures). Parents/guardians may serve as witnesses for one another.
4. Submit the signed copies of each form to the cadet’s squadron commander for their approval. The squadron is responsible for ensuring that all forms are completed and sent as a PDF to encampment@natcapwg.cap.gov. Include payment via check or a copy of the electronic funds transfer.
All cadets (student and cadre) must complete and submit all of the forms, including the necessary parental and squadron commander signatures no later than June 1, 2024.
5. Cadet applicants must also fill out this Google Form separately from the formal application package.
Payment Instructions
Payment may be made by check or electronic funds transfer via Zelle. Make all checks out to Civil Air Patrol and note 2024 NatCap Encampment in the memo/for line. If paying via electronic transfer, send the payment to wa@natcapwg.cap.gov and include a copy of the payment conformation in the application package sent to the cadet’s squadron commander. The cost is $340 for first-time basic cadets and $200 for cadet staff.
Special Instructions
The permission slip (CAPF 60-80) is pre-filled and covers two activities at the encampment that require specific permission from the parent/guardian — orientation flight in a military aircraft and participation in the obstacle/leadership course.
Medical Authorization Form Instructions and Handling of Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medicines
If any cadet participating in the encampment takes prescription or over-the-counter medications, including the use of an asthma inhaler, a medication authorization (CAPF 160) must be completed and signed by you and your health care provider including every medication that your child will or may take during the encampment. This includes all prescription and over-the-counter medications.
1. Print the Medication Administration Authorization Form and have your healthcare provider complete the dosing instructions for each prescription and over-the-counter medication that your cadet will or may take during the encampment.
2. A parent or legal guardian must complete and sign Section II.
3. Your healthcare provider must complete and sign Section I.
4. If your cadet has a severe allergy that requires an Epi-Pen, your healthcare provider must complete and sign Section II; a parent/guardian must also complete and sign Section III. This will allow your cadet to carry the Epi-Pen at all times.
CAP National Headquarters is currently reviewing a policy change with respect to cadets retaining possession of prescription and/or over-the-counter medications or turning them into the staff for distribution in accordance with the prescription instructions.
Instructions for Squadron Commanders
Review the application package to ensure information is accurate and legible, and that the parent/guardian has signed the forms.
Once completed, the forms are submitted to encampment@natcapwg.cap.gov no later than June 1, 2024. Applications will be considered in the order they are received. If the maximum number of 120 cadet students (first-timers) is reached before the cutoff date, a waiting list will be started.
Commanders from other wings will cc their wing director of cadet programs with applications.
Application Approval Process
The encampment staff reviews submitted applications for completeness as they are received and logs in the application. Incomplete applications will be returned for corrections and suspends the approval queue pending receipt of a complete package.
Once an application is approved, the encampment staff will notify the cadet, parent, and squadron that the cadet has tentatively been slotted pending receipt of payment. The notice will include instructions on how to pay.
When payment is received, the staff will notify the cadet, parent, and squadron that the cadet has a confirmed slot at the encampment.
The encampment has a limit of 90 slots for first-time cadets. These spaces have initially been allocated as 100 slots to the National Capital Wing and 20 slots to other wings. Once the allocation is reached, a waitlist will be started. On June 1, 2024, unfilled spaces will be reallocated to those on the waitlist based on the earliest submission date.
Refund Policy
See the Encampment Policies page for refund information.
Cadet Encampment Assistance Program
Civil Air Patrol’s National Headquarters has special funding available to cover encampment fees and uniforms with an emphasis on serving economically disadvantaged cadets. See the Related Links menu for a detailed explanation of the program and application process.
Encampment Questions & Correspondence
If you have questions, first inquire with your home squadron. Be sure to periodically check the Encampment News for the most up-to-date information.
Please use encampment@natcapwg.cap.gov to ask questions, submit applications, and for any other correspondence about the encampment.