National Capital Wing
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Wing-only Annual Awards

The following annual awards are specific to only members of Civil Air Patrol's National Capital Wing.

Col Costello N. Robinson Lifetime Achievement Award

This award is dedicated to those individuals who gave of themselves to CAP’s National Capital Wing. It was created in honor of Col Costello N. Robinson, former commander of National Capital Wing, and dedicated to the ideals of Civil Air Patrol that he upheld and epitomized. The name of the awardee is added to a plaque that hangs at the wing headquarters.

Lt Col Thomas M. Stonehouse Service Award

This is an annual service award created in remembrance of Lt Col Thomas M. Stonehouse, who was a member of CAP’s National Capital Wing until his death in March 1998. This award is presented each year to a wing member who displays a “Service Before Self” attitude and total commitment to excellence in all endeavors. The name of the awardee is added to a plaque that hangs at the wing headquarters.

Cadet Junior Officer of the Year

Each squadron may nominate a cadet officer that is not eligible to apply for cadet of the year, i.e., have not yet earned the Amelia Earhart Award and/or are not at least a junior in high school. To be eligible for this award cadets must meet the following minimum criteria: 1) earned the Billy Mitchell Award; 2) demonstrated by their actions an outstanding level of leadership and self-discipline, personally advancing their aerospace knowledge, and assisting and mentoring other members of their unit; 3) must have earned the Billy Mitchell Award by Dec. 31 of the previous year; 4) must be a member of CAP’s National Capital Wing (as of Oct. 31); and 5) if earned the Earhart Award must not have entered the junior year of high school.

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